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Guild Wars - (Guild channel command)

/war invite, GuildName, fraglimitSends an invitation to start the war. Example:
/war invite, Chickens, 150
(Invite a guild to war with 150 frags count.)
/war invite, GuildName, fraglimit, moneySend the invitation to start the war. Example:
/war invite, Chickens, 150, 10000

(Invite a guild to war with 150 frags count and payment of 10000 gold coins <- you need donate to guild to use it.)
/war accept, GuildNameAccepts the invitation to start a war. Example:
/war accept, Chickens

(Accept the war against guild "Chickens".)
/war reject, GuildNameRejects the invitation to start a war. Example:
/war reject, Chickens

(Reject a invitation to war from Chickens.)
/war end, GuildNameCancels the invitation. Example:
/war cancel, Chickens

(Cancel my guild invitation to war with Chickens.)
/guild balanceSee the guild balance - balance of money.
/guild balance donate valueDeposits money on the guild's bank account. All players can donate. Example:
/guild balance donate 100000

(You will donate 100k to your guild balance.)
/guild balance pick valueWithdraws money from the guild's bank account. Can be used only by the guild leader. Example:
/guild balance pick 100000

(You will withdraw 100k from your guild balance.)

Aggressor Information Enemy
Currently there are no active wars.
Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box
[ 77 ]
War Castle

Próxima batalha:
14/3/2025 às 21:00
